Saturday, August 30, 2008

DAY 104 - Learning Patience

I have discovered that this is the time when God teaches Justin patience. No doubt I have more than I did before having kids 4 years ago, but I am discovering I have a LONG way to go.

After waiting on him for more than a week, the sheetrock finisher finally showed up on Wednesday. He worked thru Friday and is actually making fairly quick work of it. However, I was hopeing we would be ready to paint and get started on the trim & cabinets by the first of September. It looks like it will be the 2nd or 3rd week instead, meaning that we are unlikely to meet my goal of moving in by the end of October. We should be on track to be moved in by Thanksgiving however.


Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged my son, its really looking good. If its not ready by Thanksgiving, we will just cook on my pit

Love You, MeMa

Justin said...

We aren't discouraged. It's a long process and it's easy to get impatient but we are very excited!

I hear that pit cooks some pretty good food.

Love you too.